Sunday 7 August 2011

Jacks polymicrogyria

Jack is nearly 3 years old and was diagnosed with Polymicrogyria when he was about 4-5 months old, Affects Of this weren't know until he got older, we discovered he could not swallow liquids. this meant he neede a tube down his nose (NG).
 Jack also is vulnerable to colds and if swallowing liquid it goes to his lungs and causes a chest infection. Jack is a very smiley boy who laughs and giggles away, unfortunatly needs 24/7 care and lots of equipment. He currently has a stomach tube (peg)  this enables quicker feeds and feeds when he wants instead of waiting for us to find a suitable place to feed him.
Jack PMG also means his muscles are affected and is under constant therapy, he may never walk, but that's what PMG does you can never tell what a child will do. He has trouble holding objects and can't hold his head up properly.
Jack is pushed around by a special (but heavy buggy) this is customized to hold his head so he can see, PMG causes a varitey of problems that we have to deal with, this page isn't made to make you feel sorry for us or him in anyway.
We want to make more people aware of polymicrogyria (PMG) after a search it appears that there isnt alot of people who know about it or have support groups for it. PMG Is similar to cerebal palsy in that is the brain functions that are affected and that every child is different.

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